Question 17: List the most important data activities/projects in which your centre is involved. PLEASE ADD THE URL IF AVAILABLE

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Country:Institution:NODCADUotherMost important data activities/projects in which your centre is involved
 – Linked Open Biodiversity Data (LOBD): A semantic application for integrating biodiversity information
AustraliaUniversity of TasmaniaNODCHosting and publishing all data collected by the IMOS program (    Develop a federated network of online resources for marine data ( )
AustraliaCSIRO National Collections and Marine Infrstructure (NCMI) Data Centre ADUManaging and tracking data and publications of the CSIRO Marine National Facility research vessel RV Investigator (see )
BelgiumVLIZNODCThe most important data systems :     An overview of the projects  :   
BelgiumBelgian Marine Data Centre, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural SciencesNODC– EMODNET Chemistry (  – EMODNET Data Ingestion Portal (
– H2020 SeaDataCloud 
 – H2020 SeaDataNet (
– H2020 Eurofleets + ( )
 – H2020 ENVRI-FAIR (
– Management of federal monitoring data (ia. OSPAR, MSFD, WFD, Nitrates) (   
– ODANEXT (Belgian project to establish and efficient data flow between the new R/V Belgica and our data centre) ( )
BelgiumSCAR/Antarctic OBIS ADUwe are an OBIS node and part of the EU life watch Ifrastructure. data publication and development of data integration tools and platforms
BéninInstitut de Recherches Halieutiques et Océanologiques du Bénin (IRHOB)NODC– Analyzes of data on coastal hydrodynamic and morphodynamic processes 
– Fishing data 
– Physico-chemical data of marine and coastal waters 
– Hydrological exchanges between coastal and marine waters  – Marine weather forecast
BrazilBrazilian Navy Hydrographic CenterNODCMSDI ( );    OceanInfoHUB ( /);    SeaBed 2030 ( ); and    Maritime Spacial Planning ( ).
BrazilUniversidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Benthic Ecology Group, The Long-term Ecological Research Program Coastal Habitats of Espírito Santo (PELD HCES) ADU – OBIS – capacity development, data management, outreach.  – The Ocean Decade planning in Brazil – support on the data working groups (WG 3 A predictable ocean; WG 6 A transparent and accessible ocean).  – The MBON Pole to pole of the Americas project  – The Long-Term Ecological Research Program network in Brazil – capacity development for some of the LTER marine sites.
BulgariaBGODCNODCSeaDataCloud  EMODnet
CanadaOcean Tracking Network, Dalhousie University ADUR- evised/updated (plone 5) OTN Data Portal  including single page All Public Data , and Mystery Tag Lookup: , and recently added FAQs .    OTN Public Data Access Points: GEOSERVER ; ERDDAP     OTN’s OBIS IPT:  and OBIS data distribution  (currently 36 projects over 22,000 animal tagging records).    OTNDC has led many biodiversity workshops during this period, including but not limited to (Dalhousie) SURGE and Ocean Tracking Network (OTN) Discover Coding series (11 1 hour sessions each of the Fall 2019 & Winter 2020 semesters). Split into four-week topics that built upon each other each week, the workshops followed the Software Carpentry lessons, covering the topics GitHub, Python and R. And Biodiversity Data Management for SLGO (included OBIS training) as well as assisting other’s in related workshops, e.g. GLATOS, ACENET. OTN’s previous workshop material can be viewed on the OTN YouTube and the OTN Github. To arrange a workshop/walkthrough of the tools in use by OTN partners please contact OTNDC@DAL.CA    Beginning 2020 OTNDC began hosting (most) weekly Study Halls…Join OTN for our weekly study hall, where we explore data analysis tools and methods, and help you find solutions to any problems you may be having. Past events have brought together participants from Europe, South Africa, Australia, Brazil, and North America and have featured walk-throughs for packages such as GLATOS, VTrack, and Actel. It’s free to join, but space is limited—email to save your spot!    Continued US IOOS ATN Telemetry Data Node(s) development including Florida/FACT/SECOORA, GLATOS, and providing assistance to ACT for using/joining   MATOS/MARACOOS.      Continued International Telemetry Data Nodes development including Brazil, South Africa, Ecuador, Belgium (ETN), Migramir.    Continued participation in development of international data exchange standard for telemetry data in collaboration with Europe, Australia, USA, South Africa and including TDWD Interest and Working Groups.    Combination private/public source workspace:   Including development of OTN’s Nodebook, using ipython utility notebooks (private git repository) used in performing data QC and loading into postresql/gis database.    OTN’s Open-Source data analysis environment  Hosting GLATOS R Analysis Tools, open source on gitlab:  A Git repository containing an R package with a complementary suite of telemetry data analysis tools being primarily developed at the Great Lakes Animal Telemetry Observation System.     Resonate – Python Analysis Tools:  A Git repository containing a Python package with OTN’s growing suite of telemetry data analysis tools. This package is meant to mirror the tools available in the GLATOS – R analysis package. 
CanadaDepartment of Fisheries and OceansNODC
ChileHydrographic and Oceanographic Service of the Chilean NavyNODC1.- PSMSL : Sea level data delivery.    2.- GEBCO: bathymetric data delivery.    3.- CPPS   : CENDHOC participates in the Data management working group of the oceanographics cruises developed under CPPS.    4.- IDE-Chile : bathymetric metadata delivery.
ChinaNMDISNODCChina Argo Data Center, URL:    China NEAR-GOOS Delayed Mode Database,   URL: ,  WMO-IOC Centre for Marine-meteorological and Oceanographic Climate Data (CMOC) China node, URL:    IODE/ODINWESTPAC,   URL:
ColombiaGeneral Maritime DirectorateNODCProject “Platform of geographic oceanographic and marine meteorology data” 2020-2021. Funded by the General Maritime Directorate (DIMAR). Will allow search and download colombian open data for academic and scientific purposes.
ColombiaINVEMARADUWe have a lot of projects in marine and coastal topics on the Caribbean and Pacific coasts of Colombia, as well as, at the Regional Level.      INVEMAR is in charge of the Marine Environmental Information System of Colombia (SIAM initials in Spanish = Sistema de Información Ambiental Marina de Colombia)      Some examples:  1. biodiversity information:      2. Marine Spatial Planning Pilots in 5 coastal areas in Colombia (2 the Caribbean Sea and 3 Pacific ocean)    3. Climares – Portal Marine and Coastal Climate Change      4. Caribbean Marine Atlas CMA      5. Fisheries and statistics certified     6. Statistics & indices related to mangrove and their Restauration.       7. Marine water quality national monitoring programme “REDCAM” and -Strengthen the national  statistical operations system for monitoring environmental quality, ecosystem health, and use of marine and coastal resources  URL:      8. Report of indicator 14.3.1. of the SDGs, in two stations located in the department of Magdalena, Bahía de Chengue & Bahía de Santa Marta.    9. Strengthening Capacities in Marine and Coastal Environments Using Nuclear and Isotopic Techniques RLA7025 project    10.Strengthening National Capacities for Detecting Marine Biotoxins during Harmful Algal Blooms COL004 project    11. Tropical Sea Observatory (Triton)     Among others
Côte d’IvoireCENTRE DE RECHERCHES OCEANOLOGIQUESNODCThese are some of the projects :    GREPPAO :    TRIATLAS :    EAF Nansen project 
CyprusORION Research InstitutionADUSeaDataCloud  EMODNET chemistry  EMODNET Ingestion 
D R CongoMinistry of Environment/Water ResourcesNODC
DenmarkInternational Council for the Exploration of the Sea ADU1. applying for coretrustseal accreditation  2. establishing Quality Assessment Framework  3. Reforming data policy and user licencing  4. Data governance activities 
EgyptNational Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries (NIOF)NODC
EstoniaTallinn University of TechnologyotherSeaDataNet (  ), EMODnet Physics ( ), EMODnet Chemistry ( ), CMEMS ( ), ICES/HELCOM database ( )
FinlandFinnish Meteorological InstituteotherICES ( )  SeaDataCloud ( )  EMODnet Chemistry and Data Ingestion ( /)  EuroArgo ( )  CMEMS ( )  HELCOM ( )  National Baltic Sea Portal (
FranceIfremerNODCSeaDataNet/SeaDataCloud ( )  CMEMS – INSTAC ( )  EMODnet (Ingestion, physics, chemistry, bathymetry, seabead habitats) ( )  EMOD-PACE ( )  ARGO ( /)  CATDS/Cersat ( ) 
GeorgiaIv.Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) ADUThe TSU and accordingly data centre, as an structural unit of the University is involved in EU and UNDP funded projects: SeaDataNet, EMODnet Chemistry Lot 4, Emodnet Data Ingestion, EMBLAS Plus, Black Sea Connect, RedMarLitter BSB552.
GermanyFederal Maritime and Hydrographic AgencyNODCCMEMS /  SeaDataCloud   DIG ICES   DAM /
GreeceHCMRADUEMODNET Biology , ENVRI FAIR /, EMBRC , Assemble Plus
GreeceHellenic Centre for Marine research/ Hellenic National Oceanographic Data Centre (HCMR/HNODC)NODC
GuinéeCentre de Recherche Scientifique de Conakry Rogbanè (CERESCOR)NODC
Hrvatska (Croatia)Institute of oceanography and fisheriesNODCRecently the main activities include participation in more  pan-EU projects as SDC, EMODNET,DGMare, DG Env.,  more EU regional projects  and National monitoring of the Adriatic Sea
IcelandCAFFADUMonitoring: The Circumpolar Biodiversity Monitoring Programme (CBMP):
IndiaIndian National Center for Ocean Information Services, MoES, Govt. of IndiaNODCArgo, DBCP, OceanSites, SIBER, IIOE-2
IndonesiaBPPTNODCdeveloping and improving portal ( )  nodc governance
Iran (Islamic Republic of)Iranian National Institute for Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences (INIOAS)NODCThe INCOD has added data from INIOAS projects, cruises, costal monitoring and climate change activities to own database. The mentioned data are available through the INCOD portal at:
IrelandMarine InstituteNODCThe Data Management Quality Management Framework has been a significant step forward in the maturity of data processes within our organisation. Additional internal work on data analytical services has been very beneficial with Jupyter hub now in use. External connectivity is being enhanced via a number of API services, and data is being contributed to the new national MSP programme. Data acquisition and sharing services for climate and renewable ocean energy will be a focus for 2021.
ItalyNational Institute of Oceanography and Applied GeophysicsNODCSeaDataNet   EMODnet Chemistry   EMOD-PACE   ENVRI-FAIR /
JapanJapan Oceanographic Data CenterNODCWESTPAC  NEAR-GOOS  GEOTRACE
KazakhstanRepublican State-owned Enterprise “KazHydromet”NODC
KenyaKenya Marine and Fisheries Research InstituteNODCDeveloping and hosting the regional Ocean Data Portal –     Developing and hosting the SWIOFC regional fisheries data portal –
Korea (Republic of)Korea Oceanographic Data Centre (NIFS/KODC)NODCPICES/TCODE (
Argo (
MalaysiaInstitute of Oceanography and Environment, UMT ADU
MauritaniaIMROPNODCCollecting data seasonal in deferent  parameters (sst; salinity; oxygen; …) and biological.  
MexicoSEP MexicoNODC
MozambiqueInstituto Nacional de Hidrografia e NavegaçãoNODC
NetherlandsNIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea ResearchNODCSeaDataNet  Various EMODnet lots  OSPAR  GBIF
New ZealandNational Institute of Water & Atmospheric ResearchNODCNew Zealand Ocean Data Portal ( )  Australian Ocean Data Network ( )  New Zealand Ocean Acidification Observing Network (NZOA-ON) ( )  OBIS ( )  SDG 14.3.1 ( )  South Pacific tsunami detection buoy system  PacMAN
NorwayInstitute of Marine ResearchNODCThe Nansen Legacy,   National research infrastructure NMDC,   ICES, DIG,   CMEMS, Insitu TAC Arctic,     
PerúDirección de Hidrografía y NavegaciónNODCDaily Weather Monitoring on the Peruvian Coast:     Daily Monitoring of the Tide in the Peruvian Coast         
PhilippinesASEAN Centre for BiodiversityADUBiodiversity Data Management in Protected Areas
PortugalInstituto HidrograficootherEmodnet bathymetry, physics and chemistry   Contribution to the European Directories, CSR, EDIOS, CDIs –   Contribution in NRT to the GTS network   Contribution to the Eurogoos TG and HFR network  
RomaniaNational Institute for Marine Research and Development “Grigore Antipa”NODCSeaDataNet ( )  EMODNet Chemistry ( )  EMODnet Biology ( )  EMODNet Bathymetry ( )  EMODNet Data Ingestion ( )
Russian FederationRIHMI-WDCNODCInternational :   ODP/ODIS   SeaDataNet     EMODNett     National :  Unified system of information on World Ocean (ESIMO),         
SénégalCentre de Recherches Océanographiques de Dakar-ThiaroyeNODC-PREFACE;  -AWA;  -COCES,I,II;  -JEAI; 
SloveniaNational Institute of BiologyNODC
South AfricaDepartment of Environment, Forestry and FisheriesNODCIOC UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development Goals  IODE XXVI Group 4: IODE contribution to the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)  Ocean Acidification data for the S.D.G 14.3.1    OBIS SG  GBIF
SpainSOCIB-ICTSADUJERICO-RI, EMODnet Physics, CMEMS insitu TAC, ODIP2.    Other SOCIB activities:
SpainIns. Esp. Oceanografia (IEO)NODCSeadatacloud ->  EMODNET (diferent lots)  IEO tidegauge network  IEO research vessels countinuous data aquisition 
SwedenSMHINODCSeaDataNet (AISBL)  EMODnet; Ingestion, Physics, Chemistry and Biology  Jerico Next  ICOS  ICOS –>SOCAT?  Copernicus  Bonus Integral
Tanzania (United Republic of)University of Dar es Salaam, Institute of Marine SciencesNODCMainly assisting local organizations, government departments, students and other entities in Tanzania who need public data and those archived at the NODC for their work.
TogoUniversité de LoméNODC
Trinidad and TobagoInstitute of Marine Affairsother
TurkeyOffice of Navigation, Hydrography and OceanographyNODC
UkraineUkrSCESNODCSeaDataCloud:     Emodnet:     EMBLAS:
United KingdomCefas – Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science ADU‘Open Science Data’ initiatives  ICES – huge variety of data activities/projects  EModNET  EU-exit Transition    All Cefas Science Projects (approx. 400 current), see:     
United KingdomBritish Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC), National Oceanography Centre (NOC)NODCArgo ( );   International GEOTRACES Data Assembly Centre ( );   GEBCO ( ) and Seabed2030 ( );   NERC Vocabulary Server (  and );   Oceanids (data management for autonomous vehicles ( );   SeaDataNet/SeaDataCloud ( );   Data management for UK Marine Research Centres ( );   MEDIN ( );
United KingdomMarine Biological AssociationADUInternationally: EMODnet & OBIS  Nationally (UK): MEDIN    Primary activities are long-term archiving and (meta)data standardisation/management
United StatesBCO-DMO (at WHOI)ADU
United StatesNOAA NCEINODC     NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) hosts and provides public access to one of the most significant archives for environmental data on Earth. We provide over 37 petabytes of comprehensive atmospheric, coastal, oceanic, and geophysical data.

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