Summary Table
In how many other training courses did you participate in 2019 and/or 2020 organized by national or other organizers

Country: | Institution: | NODC | ADU | other | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | >3 | Details |
Argentina | SERVICIO DE HIDROGRAFÍA NAVAL | NODC | x | |||||||
Argentina | CCT CENPAT-CONICET | ADU | x | Georreferenciacnión de registros biológicos: teoría y práctica, URL: | ||||||
Australia | University of Tasmania | NODC | x | Training provided by the Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC) | ||||||
Australia | CSIRO National Collections and Marine Infrstructure (NCMI) Data Centre | ADU | x | |||||||
Belgium | VLIZ | NODC | x | |||||||
Belgium | Belgian Marine Data Centre, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences | NODC | x | Training organized by ICES on DOME | ||||||
Belgium | SCAR/Antarctic OBIS | ADU | x | |||||||
Bénin | Institut de Recherches Halieutiques et Océanologiques du Bénin (IRHOB) | NODC | x | |||||||
Brazil | Brazilian Navy Hydrographic Center | NODC | x | 2019 – Marine Spacial Planning – IOC: Cmdr Vladimir Costa Maluf, and Lt Arthur Souza. | ||||||
Brazil | Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Benthic Ecology Group, The Long-term Ecological Research Program Coastal Habitats of Espírito Santo (PELD HCES) | ADU | x | |||||||
Bulgaria | BGODC | NODC | x | SeaDataNet | ||||||
Canada | Ocean Tracking Network, Dalhousie University | ADU | x | |||||||
Canada | Department of Fisheries and Oceans | NODC | ||||||||
Chile | Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service of the Chilean Navy | NODC | x | Using Darwin core templates | ||||||
China | NMDIS | NODC | x | |||||||
Colombia | General Maritime Directorate | NODC | x | |||||||
Colombia | INVEMAR | ADU | x | In 2020 under Pandemic Covid-19, INVEMAR virtualize 5 courses as a Regional Training Center of OTGA in the Spanish Language | ||||||
Côte d’Ivoire | CENTRE DE RECHERCHES OCEANOLOGIQUES | NODC | x | Many activities was delayed because of corona virus | ||||||
Cyprus | ORION Research Institution | ADU | x | EMODNET ingestion and SeaDataCloud trainings | ||||||
D R Congo | Ministry of Environment/Water Resources | NODC | x | |||||||
Denmark | GBIF Secretariat | ADU | x | |||||||
Denmark | International Council for the Exploration of the Sea | ADU | x | |||||||
Egypt | National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries (NIOF) | NODC | x | |||||||
Estonia | Tallinn University of Technology | other | x | |||||||
Finland | Finnish Meteorological Institute | other | x | SeaDataCloud Technical training. | ||||||
France | Ifremer | NODC | x | |||||||
Georgia | Iv.Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) | ADU | x | |||||||
Germany | Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency | NODC | x | SeaDataNet | ||||||
Greece | HCMR | ADU | x | Assemble plus FAIR workshop, 12-14 June, Ostende, Belgium (2019) LifeWatch & ENVRIplus International Summer School-Data FAIRness for Environmental & Earth Science Infrastructures, 1-5 July, 2019, Lecce, Italy Three-day webinar programme, which introduces the main topics of the winter school (the use of FAIR data in ENVRI Community, and for Environmental and Earth sciences research) with theoretical presentations, exercises and discussion, September 2020 | ||||||
Greece | Hellenic Centre for Marine research/ Hellenic National Oceanographic Data Centre (HCMR/HNODC) | NODC | x | Diva Workshop (within SeaDataNet-EMODnet Chemistry Projects), 27-30 January 2020 ( | ||||||
Guinée | Centre de Recherche Scientifique de Conakry Rogbanè (CERESCOR) | NODC | ||||||||
Hrvatska (Croatia) | Institute of oceanography and fisheries | NODC | x | |||||||
Iceland | CAFF | ADU | x | |||||||
India | Indian National Center for Ocean Information Services, MoES, Govt. of India | NODC | x | |||||||
Indonesia | BPPT | NODC | x | digital transformation | ||||||
Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Iranian National Institute for Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences (INIOAS) | NODC | x | 1- Training Workshop on Introducing the Iranian National Center for Ocean Data services (National) (June 2019, Tehran, Iran) as trainer 2- Training Workshop on Oceanographic Data Management (Jan 2020, Tehran, Iran, IFSRI) as trainer 3- Data Mining and its applications (10 Feb 2020, Tehran, Iran) 4- The importance of dimensional reduction methods in data mining 5- Workshop on remote sensing of marine and coastal waters physical parameters 6- Knowledge management | ||||||
Ireland | Marine Institute | NODC | x | |||||||
Italy | National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics | NODC | x | |||||||
Japan | Japan Oceanographic Data Center | NODC | x | |||||||
Japan | JAMSTEC | ADU | x | |||||||
Kazakhstan | Republican State-owned Enterprise “KazHydromet” | NODC | x | |||||||
Kenya | Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute | NODC | x | Programming in Python, Marine Spatial Planning data management system | ||||||
Korea (Republic of) | Korea Oceanographic Data Centre (NIFS/KODC) | NODC | x | |||||||
Malaysia | Institute of Oceanography and Environment, UMT | ADU | x | |||||||
Mauritania | IMROP | NODC | x | |||||||
Mexico | SEP Mexico | NODC | x | I was in the process of retirement from my University. | ||||||
Mozambique | Instituto Nacional de Hidrografia e Navegação | NODC | x | Coastal Zone management in a changing world. IHE Delft and Eduardo Mondlane University. Online course | ||||||
Netherlands | NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research | NODC | x | |||||||
New Zealand | National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research | NODC | x | |||||||
Norway | Institute of Marine Research | NODC | x | |||||||
Perú | Dirección de Hidrografía y Navegación | NODC | x | MSPglobal Initiative: Marine Spatial Planning and Blue Economy | ||||||
Philippines | ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity | ADU | ||||||||
Portugal | Instituto Hidrografico | other | x | DGT (PT), Copernicus, Emodnet, IOC | ||||||
Romania | National Institute for Marine Research and Development “Grigore Antipa” | NODC | x | |||||||
Russian Federation | RIHMI-WDC | NODC | x | ESIMO Training Course | ||||||
Sénégal | Centre de Recherches Océanographiques de Dakar-Thiaroye | NODC | x | |||||||
Slovenia | National Institute of Biology | NODC | x | |||||||
South Africa | Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries | NODC | x | |||||||
Spain | SOCIB-ICTS | ADU | x | |||||||
Spain | Ins. Esp. Oceanografia (IEO) | NODC | x | |||||||
Sweden | SMHI | NODC | x | |||||||
Tanzania (United Republic of) | University of Dar es Salaam, Institute of Marine Sciences | NODC | x | |||||||
Togo | Université de Lomé | NODC | x | |||||||
Trinidad and Tobago | Institute of Marine Affairs | other | ||||||||
Turkey | Office of Navigation, Hydrography and Oceanography | NODC | x | |||||||
Ukraine | UkrSCES | NODC | x | |||||||
United Kingdom | Cefas – Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science | ADU | x | |||||||
United Kingdom | British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC), National Oceanography Centre (NOC) | NODC | x | SeaDataCloud | ||||||
United Kingdom | Marine Biological Association | ADU | x | EMODnet Biology/OBIS training | ||||||
United States | BCO-DMO (at WHOI) | ADU | ||||||||
United States | NOAA NCEI | NODC | x | |