2021-2022_Q29: List the most important products and services (up to 15) provided by your data centre in the period 2021-2022. These may be new (started in 2021/2022) or ongoing products/services. If they are online products/services then please also provide the URL.

  • Master Data Register (MDR) and Cefas Data Portal: https://data.cefas.co.uk/
  • Mediterranean wave forecast. https://isramar.ocean.org.il/isramar2009/wave_model/default.aspx?region=coarse&model=wam
  • Research project management software tool: http://incod.inio.ac.ir/Products/Software/Project-Management-Tool
  • Benthic coverage of coral reefs
  • J-DOSS  https://www.jodc.go.jp/jodcweb/JDOSS/index.html
  • Sea surface temperature
  • NIFS Serial Oceanographic observations
  • The Data Center portal was completely restyled https://nodc.ogs.it
  • GEBCO web-site, including digital atlas and gridded data set: www.gebco.net
  • SOCIB Data Catalog: https://apps.socib.es/data-catalog
  • statistiques des pêches 
  • Network of accredited MEDIN Data Archive Centres, encompassing a range of marine data types. https://www.medin.org.uk/data-archive-centres
  • Argo (DAC function) https://open.canada.ca/data/en/dataset/91b0c61a-85cf-487c-8389-0baf4bb6d8f9
  • https://siam.invemar.org.co/cifras_siam
  • Metadata Catalog (http://bit.ly/UCRiSo)
  • https://cdi.seadatanet.org/search
  • Argo data and data products
  • AODN portal, https://portal.aodn.org.au
  • WoRMS webservices; marinespecies.org
  • http://metadata.nmdc.no/UserInterface/#/
  • https://geomar.hidrografico.pt/
  • Maintain oceanographic dataportal (IDOD) for data (monitoring and research) held at BMDC (http://www.bmdc.be/NODC/search_data.xhtml)
  • SDN products
  • BAWS – https://www.smhi.se/data/oceanografi/algsituationen    or https://www.smhi.se/vader/observationer/algsituationen/algae
  • TANSEA – www.ims.udsm.ac.tz/tansea
  • Marine Institute Website (https://www.marine.ie/site-area/data-services))
  • Developing of research data management plans for national and regional projects
  • ESIMO includes more than 1,800 units of information resources, including metadata, observation data, products, applications, web- and geo-services through the central (Obninsk, http://esimo.ru/portal/ ) and regional ESIMO Arctic portals and the North-West Region of Russia (AARI, St. Petersburg, http://portal.esimo.aari.ru/portal) and the Far East Region (FEHRI, Vladivostok, http://portal.esimo.ferhri.ru/portal) . 
  • Mediterranean Sea – Contaminants aggregated datasets 1974/2018 v2021 (https://www.emodnet-chemistry.eu/products/catalogue#/metadata/87f74a81-45f6-40a0-b5d0-c59faa648be5)
  • http://www.nib.si/mbp/sl/oceanografski-podatki/buoy-2/novi-skalarni-grafi
  • https://odis.ecudo.pl
  • nodc-benin.org
  • Provision of physical chemical data from seawater
  • Catch data of fish
  • https://www.godac.jamstec.go.jp/bismal/e/dataset/jambio_rinkai
  • Open data catalog https://cecoldo.dimar.mil.co/geonetwork
  • Sea level along the Bulgarian coast
  • Compiled Oceanographic data for the past two decades in a book Freely distributed to all interested
  • Tide forcast
  • https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/products/ocean-climate-laboratory
  • Embargoed acoustic detection data for tagged marine species
  • data services, https://www.lifewatchgreece.eu/?q=content/data-services
  • The data of the Undersea Relief correspond to representations of the forms that the earth’s crust acquires or has within its submerged part, with which forms such as seamounts, canyons, abysses, hills, abyssal plains, pits, valleys, submarine channels, among others, can be identified in order to model the marine or oceanic geographical spaces to get to know aspects such as depths, gaps, sections, embankments, this in order to contribute to the generation of port and maritime works, cable laying and marine exploration, input in hydrographic investigations and detailed conductions in scientific explorations
  • Oceanographic domain data curation in collaboration with each submitter to share (make FAIR) their oceanographic project output.
  • China Oceanic Information Network(COINet): nmdis.org.cn
  • China Oceanic Information Network(COINet): nmdis.org.cn
  • http://centolo.co.ieo.es:8080/thredds/catalog.html
  • biodiversity data access
  • ADU is collecting the data ( obtained, mainly, within international projects, formatting into CDI ODV and send to European data bases.
  • Weekly Bulletin of the Caspian Sea (level fluctuation)
  • liste des données de mesures hydrologiques côtières
  • http://bim-mirror.aseanbiodiversity.org:8080/ipt/
  • Weekly/Monthly variability of sea surface temperature
  • https://www.bsh.de/EN/DATA/Climate-and-Sea/Marine_environment_monitoring_network/marine_environment_monitoring_network_node.html;jsessionid=81B541AE4863F3FFF8829D6B06F171BE.live21321
  • in-situ data from a near coastal buoy in Cyprus
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