2021-2022_Q27: What kind of quality control procedures (if any) are used in your institution? (add bibliographic references, if possible)?

  • Various depending on specialism including BEQUALM, NMBAQC, Quasimeme, and also through collaborations such as ICES Working Groups, Data calls setting requirements)
  • In collection phase, sensor calibration, filter noises and data smoothing which are done by our researchers. Scientific QC and QA are applied before and during data acquisition based on recommended IODE best practices and standard  methodologies. GTSPP algorithms are used in the automatic QC process by INCOD data center.
  • We are internally referencing “Guidebook for Ocean Carbon Dioxide” for the quality control procedures.
  • MIMS uses an Open Data Platform (ODP) that allows  the curation team to quality check and publish datasets.  The ODP provides for metadata to be captured and  quality checked before it gets harvested into the  MIMS e-Catalogue.
  • Real-time Quality Control & Delayed-mode Quality Control.  The manuals are written in Korean
  • Standard QC using SeaBird procedures + manual QC
  • QC procedures are documented but not online yet.   Generally in line with SeaDataNet (www.seadatanet.org), EuroGOOS   (http://eurogoos.eu/data-management-exchange-quality-working-group-data-meq/) and IOC/IODE procedures.   Also use documented QC from observing programmes, e.g. Argo, GLOSS (sea level), OceanSites and AtlantOS (https://atlantos-h2020.eu/download/7.2-QC-Report.pdf) – these are included in OBPS.
  • All MEDIN Data Archive Centres apply bespoke quality control procedures.     MEDIN provides centralised coordination to ensure quality and unified metadata are available. For example:     All metadata must comply with the MEDIN Discovery Metadata Standard.   https://www.medin.org.uk/sites/medin/files/documents/MEDIN_Schema_Documentation3_1_1_brief_0.pdf     We recommend that all data submitted to MEDIN Data Archive Centres comply with MEDIN Data Guidelines. These are the detailed metadata that are required to make marine data reusable in the future. There are over 30 MEDIN data guidelines, tailored to different data collection methods.     https://www.medin.org.uk/data-standards/medin-data-guidelines      
  • Real-time and delayed-mode QC based on the published QC Manuals for  Argo, Drifting Buoys, Gliders, GTSPP, etc.
  • Gaps analysis, data consistence, minimal attributes  process metadata documentation
  • sometimes based on the QC flag with ODV
  • We make a general review through the comparatives graphics with respect historical values, using tools such as Matlab, Ocean Data View, Grapher, Surfer, ArcGis an other.
  • All the quality control procedures as prescribed by the respective data management communities are followed. Eg: For Argo the QC procedures as prescribed by the Data Management Team will be implemented at our centre. 
  • QC procedure is based on I SeaDataCloud project
  • Argo: Argo Quality Control Manual for CTD and Trajectory Data.  Ship of Opportunity(XBT): CSIRO’s Quality Control Cook book for XBT (report 221)  Ship of Opportunity(SST): SAMOS   Ship of Opportunity(air/sea flux): SAMOS  Ship of Opportunity(pCO2):IMOS facilities own protocol  Ship of Opportunity (Bio-acoustics): https://s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/content.aodn.org.au/Documents/IMOS/Facilities/ships_of_opportunity/Quality_assurance_and_quality_control_summary_of_IMOS_Bioacoustics_sub-Facility_data_v1.0.pdf  Deep water moorings: WOCE protocols  Gliders: https://s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/content.aodn.org.au/Documents/IMOS/Facilities/Ocean_glider/Delayed_Mode_QAQC_Best_Practice_Manual_OceanGliders_v3.0.pdf  Moorings: IMOS toolbox (IODE), https://github.com/aodn/imos-toolbox/wiki/QCProcedures#moored-time-series  biologging: MEOP  temperature profiles: iQUOD, http://www.iquod.org/index.php/home  Satellite SST: GHRSST, http://imos.org.au/sstdata0.html  Ocean Radar  https://s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/content.aodn.org.au/Documents/IMOS/Facilities/ocean_radar/QC_procedures_for_IMOS_Ocean_Radar_manual_v2.1.pdf    Several documents have been published to the Ocean Best Practices repository (https://www.oceanbestpractices.org/repository/ ) during the past 3-4 years.  
  • OBIS quality flags theory: https://manual.obis.org/dataquality.html    Some OBIS qc theory: https://manual.obis.org/data_qc.html    Biocheck tool repo: https://github.com/EMODnet/EMODnetBiocheck
  • The inernal QMS has a collection of QC procedures.
  • Regarding hydrography data, quality control includes data evaluation and correction (if needed) after the data is processed and before it is filed in a database.   It is done in a semi-automatic way. Automation comes from the software used in data processing. Ref: “S-44 for Hydrographic Data”  Regarding chemical data, quality control can be split in two different components: analitycal and data evaluation. The analitycal quality control is performed  according to the requirements of the ISO 17025 standard and associated guidelines (e.g., Nordtest Report TR569, EURACHEM/CITAC Guide QAC2016);  data evaluation (post analitycal) relies on the technicians expertise (assisted by applications like Ocean Data View) to check for odd values and classify the data.  Refs: ISO. 2017. ISO 17025:2017 – General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories;  B. Magnusson, H. Hovind, M. Krysell, U. Lund and I. Mäkinen, Handbook – Inter Quality control, Nordtest Report TR 569 (ed. 5) 2018;  V. Barwick (Ed), Eurachem/CITAC Guide: Guide to Quality in Analytical Chemistry: An Aid to Accreditation (3rd ed. 2016). ISBN 978-0-948926-32-7.  Related to oceanographic data, we follow internal procedures that reflects the international guidelines.  EuroGOOS DATA-MEQ working group – Recommendations for in-situ data Near Real Time Quality Control. DOI 10.13155/36230;  ICES Data Type Guidelines;  Lorenzo Corgnati (ISMAR-CNR), Carlo Mantovani (ISMAR-CNR), Antonio Novellino (ETT), Anna Rubio (AZTI), Julien Mader (AZTI) – Recommendation Report 2 on improved common procedures for HFR QC analysis. Jerico-Next Deliverable for Data Management;  Manual of quality control procedures for validation of oceanographic data. IOC Manuals and Guides 26.
  • Visual inspection and use of R  (range check, duplicate check)
  • lien vers les pages de data.ifremer.fr sur la qualité des données
  • IOC/IODE Manuals and Guides  – WMO Manuals  – CMEMS Manuals  – IOSS QUARTOD Manual  – HELCOM COMBINE Manual  – OSPAR JAMP guidelines  – ICES Data Type guidelines  
  • Quality control is done by scientist in the specific area of specialization.
  • The metadata is submitted with description of the protocols used to collect and analyze the data
  • HNODC   performs quality checks on data and metadata for vertical profiles and   time series of physical, chemical, biological data according to:  1) UNESCO/IOC/IODE and MAST, 1993, Manual and Guides 26,  2) Data Type guidelines – ICES Working Group of Marine Data Management   3) SeaDataNet guidelines  4) NOAA/NCEI (former NODC) guidelines  5) “Medar-Medatlas protocol: Exchange format and quality checks for   observed profiles”, 2000  6) EMODnet Bathymetry (https://www.emodnet-bathymetry.eu/data-products/qaqc-and-dtm-production-details)  7) EMODnet Chemistry (https://www.emodnet-chemistry.eu/about/documents)
  • data analysis against missing values, outstanding values, land/sea georeference. Provided by data postprocessing software, if available.
  • We plan to publish this year two DIMAR quality manuals: data obtained with CTD and ADCP
  • Internal
  • NCEI handles many types of in situ and remote access data, data products, climate data records, foundational datasets such as WOD. Depending on purpose, there undergo different QC procedures.
  • We asked all scientists to be logging in metadata  for all samplings they undertook    2. The library keeps a record of all newly published papers     3. We use WoRMS and Fishbase to QC sample lists
  • High level view of our data pipelines is available as part of the OTN data management plan:   https://members.oceantrack.org/data/policies/data_management_plan.pdf/@@download/file/data_management_plan.pdf    More detailed training materials for operators of OTN database nodes (localized versions of the OTN data system) are available on OTN’s GitHub page and are rendered in the Carpentries style via github.io: https://ocean-tracking-network.github.io/node-manager-training/      A publication will follow in 2022 on Ocean Best Practices detailing the OTN QC process, mainly concerned with correcting metadata errors and instrument clock drift ahead of sharing and redisseminating received data.
  • LifeWatch & EMODnet Biology QC tool https://rshiny.lifewatch.be/BioCheck/
  • Geographic technology standard models & schemas  https://www.isotc211.org/
  • Many internal quality control procedures are employed during the processing and provision of data submitted to BCO-DMO: Data processing steps are documented in standard operating procedures; data conformance checks are used within our data processing activities (e.g., conformity to ISO 8601 for datetime parameters, data type assignment and .CSV format adherence); as well as metadata conformity checks (e.g., schema.org, DublinCore, and ISO 19115 compliance), and publication metadata formatting checks (e.g., DataCite schema validation checks). 
  • First, the integrity, authenticity and format of the collected data are checked. Then, data will be distributed to different data analysts based on their learning background to implement quality control methods and mark the flag for user reference.
  • AODN quality control https://help.aodn.org.au/public-documents/imos/facilities/workflows/
  • We apply several quality control procedures, following scientific literature and common ocean best practices. They depend on the type of measurement. Some are listed below:  – Standardisation of sampling protocol;  – Standardisation of laboratory analyses;  – Data curation, local storage and sharing;  – Continuous data analysis to produce information for scientific purposes or decision making needs.
  • Données de campagnes hydrologiques et stock halieutiques
  • Published journals and scientific references
  • https://www.ices.dk/data/tools/Pages/data-validation.aspx    https://www.ices.dk/data/tools/Pages/quality-control.aspx
  • NRT-QC agreed in CMEMS

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