Country | Institution | NODC | ADU | Yes | No | I don’t know |
Argentina | SERVICIO DE HIDROGRAFÍA NAVAL | NODC | Yes | No | I don’t know | |
Argentina | CCT CENPAT-CONICET | ADU | Yes | |||
Australia | University of Tasmania | NODC | I don’t know | |||
Australia | CSIRO National Collections and Marine Infrstructure (NCMI) Data Centre | ADU | Yes | |||
Belgium | VLIZ | NODC | Yes | |||
Belgium | Belgian Marine Data Centre, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences | NODC | Yes | |||
Belgium | SCAR/Antarctic OBIS | ADU | No | |||
Bénin | Institut de Recherches Halieutiques et Océanologiques du Bénin (IRHOB) | NODC | No | |||
Brazil | Brazilian Navy Hydrographic Center | NODC | Yes | |||
Brazil | Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Benthic Ecology Group, The Long-term Ecological Research Program Coastal Habitats of Espírito Santo (PELD HCES) | ADU | Yes | |||
Bulgaria | BGODC | NODC | Yes | |||
Canada | Ocean Tracking Network, Dalhousie University | ADU | I don’t know | |||
Canada | Department of Fisheries and Oceans | NODC | I don’t know | |||
Chile | Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service of the Chilean Navy | NODC | Yes | |||
China | NMDIS | NODC | Yes | |||
Colombia | General Maritime Directorate | NODC | Yes | |||
Colombia | INVEMAR | ADU | Yes | |||
Cyprus | ORION Research Institution | ADU | Yes | |||
D R Congo | Ministry of Environment/Water Resources | NODC | No | |||
Denmark | GBIF Secretariat | ADU | I don’t know | |||
Denmark | International Council for the Exploration of the Sea | ADU | No | |||
Egypt | National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries (NIOF) | NODC | I don’t know | |||
Estonia | Tallinn University of Technology | Yes | ||||
Finland | Finnish Meteorological Institute | I don’t know | ||||
France | Ifremer | NODC | Yes | |||
Georgia | Iv.Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) | ADU | Yes | |||
Germany | Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency | NODC | No | |||
Greece | HCMR | ADU | Yes | |||
Greece | Hellenic Centre for Marine research/ Hellenic National Oceanographic Data Centre (HCMR/HNODC) | NODC | Yes | |||
Guinée | Centre de Recherche Scientifique de Conakry Rogbanè (CERESCOR) | NODC | Yes | |||
Hrvatska (Croatia) | Institute of oceanography and fisheries | NODC | Yes | |||
Iceland | CAFF | ADU | I don’t know | |||
India | Indian National Center for Ocean Information Services, MoES, Govt. of India | NODC | No | |||
Indonesia | BPPT | NODC | No | |||
Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Iranian National Institute for Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences (INIOAS) | NODC | Yes | |||
Ireland | Marine Institute | NODC | Yes | |||
Italy | National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics | NODC | Yes | |||
Japan | Japan Oceanographic Data Center | NODC | Yes | |||
Japan | JAMSTEC | ADU | I don’t know | |||
Kazakhstan | Republican State-owned Enterprise “KazHydromet” | NODC | Yes | |||
Kenya | Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute | NODC | Yes | |||
Korea (Republic of) | Korea Oceanographic Data Centre (NIFS/KODC) | NODC | Yes | |||
Malaysia | Institute of Oceanography and Environment, UMT | ADU | I don’t know | |||
Mauritania | IMROP | NODC | No | |||
Mexico | SEP Mexico | NODC | Yes | |||
Mozambique | Instituto Nacional de Hidrografia e Navegação | NODC | Yes | |||
Netherlands | NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research | NODC | Yes | |||
New Zealand | National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research | NODC | Yes | |||
Norway | Institute of Marine Research | NODC | Yes | |||
Perú | Dirección de Hidrografía y Navegación | NODC | Yes | |||
Philippines | ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity | ADU | I don’t know | |||
Portugal | Instituto Hidrografico | Yes | ||||
Romania | National Institute for Marine Research and Development “Grigore Antipa” | NODC | Yes | |||
Russian Federation | RIHMI-WDC | NODC | Yes | |||
Sénégal | Centre de Recherches Océanographiques de Dakar-Thiaroye | NODC | Yes | |||
Slovenia | National Institute of Biology | NODC | Yes | |||
South Africa | Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries | NODC | Yes | |||
Spain | SOCIB-ICTS | ADU | No | |||
Spain | Ins. Esp. Oceanografia (IEO) | NODC | No | |||
Sweden | SMHI | NODC | Yes | |||
Tanzania (United Republic of) | University of Dar es Salaam, Institute of Marine Sciences | NODC | Yes | |||
Togo | Université de Lomé | NODC | I don’t know | |||
Trinidad and Tobago | Institute of Marine Affairs | No | ||||
Turkey | Office of Navigation, Hydrography and Oceanography | NODC | Yes | |||
Ukraine | UkrSCES | NODC | Yes | |||
United Kingdom | Cefas – Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science | ADU | I don’t know | |||
UNITED KINGDOM | British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC), National Oceanography Centre (NOC) | NODC | Yes | |||
United Kingdom | Marine Biological Association | ADU | Yes | |||
United States | BCO-DMO (at WHOI) | ADU | I don’t know | |||
United States | NOAA NCEI | NODC | Yes |
(10 received)
- Belgium (ADU): for SCAR No
- Benin (NODC): The center does not have this IOC data exchange policy
- Canada (ADU): Please refer to the report from Canada’s NODC for answer.
- Finland (other): Because of the diverse situation, I believe that some institutions more or less follow the IOC data policy, but propably not all data originators. Largest players (FMI, SYKE) use SeaDataNet donwload manager system and/or offer the data by other means to use like Argo data through EuroArgo.
- Germany (NODC): BSH is currently working on its data policy and will take IOC data policy into accout
- Indonesia (NODC): we are working on it
- Malaysia (ADU): The decision should be made centrally by the government
- Spain (ADU): We have open and free of charge access to our data but we are not currently submitting data to any IODE infrastructure such as OBIS or WOD
- UNITED KINGDOM (ADU Cefas): This would need to be answered by our NODC – which is BODC, the British Oceanographic Data Centre
- USA (ADU BCO-DMO): I would imagine that the US NODC (NCEI) has, but I do not know these details.