Question 9: Does your organization have a documented Quality Management System (QMS)?

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Institution:NODCADUotherYesNoI don’t know
ASEAN Centre for BiodiversityADUNo
Belgian Marine Data Centre, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural SciencesNODCYes
Brazilian Navy Hydrographic CenterNODCYes
British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC), National Oceanography Centre (NOC)NODCYes
CAFFADUI don’t know
Cefas – Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science ADUYes
Centre de Recherche Scientifique de Conakry Rogbanè (CERESCOR)NODCNo
Centre de Recherches Océanographiques de Dakar-ThiaroyeNODCNo
CSIRO National Collections and Marine Infrstructure (NCMI) Data Centre ADUYes
Department of Environment, Forestry and FisheriesNODCYes
Department of Fisheries and OceansNODCYes
Dirección de Hidrografía y NavegaciónNODCYes
Federal Maritime and Hydrographic AgencyNODCYes
Finnish Meteorological InstituteotherYes
GBIF SecretariatADUI don’t know
General Maritime DirectorateNODCYes
Hellenic Centre for Marine research/ Hellenic National Oceanographic Data Centre (HCMR/HNODC)NODCNo
Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service of the Chilean NavyNODCNo
Indian National Center for Ocean Information Services, MoES, Govt. of IndiaNODCNo
Ins. Esp. Oceanografia (IEO)NODCNo
Institut de Recherches Halieutiques et Océanologiques du Bénin (IRHOB)NODCNo
Institute of Marine AffairsotherNo
Institute of Marine ResearchNODCYes
Institute of Oceanography and Environment, UMT ADUYes
Institute of oceanography and fisheriesNODCNo
Instituto HidrograficootherYes
Instituto Nacional de Hidrografia e NavegaçãoNODCYes
International Council for the Exploration of the Sea ADUNo
Iranian National Institute for Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences (INIOAS)NODCYes
Iv.Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) ADUNo
Japan Oceanographic Data CenterNODCYes
Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research InstituteNODCNo
Korea Oceanographic Data Centre (NIFS/KODC)NODCYes
Marine Biological AssociationADUNo
Marine InstituteNODCYes
Ministry of Environment/Water ResourcesNODCNo
National Institute for Marine Research and Development “Grigore Antipa”NODCNo
National Institute of BiologyNODCYes
National Institute of Oceanography and Applied GeophysicsNODCNo
National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries (NIOF)NODCNo
National Institute of Water & Atmospheric ResearchNODCNo
NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea ResearchNODCNo
Ocean Tracking Network, Dalhousie University ADUNo
Office of Navigation, Hydrography and OceanographyNODCYes
ORION Research InstitutionADUYes
Republican State-owned Enterprise “KazHydromet”NODCNo
Tallinn University of TechnologyotherYes
Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Benthic Ecology Group, The Long-term Ecological Research Program Coastal Habitats of Espírito Santo (PELD HCES) ADUNo
Université de LoméNODCNo
University of Dar es Salaam, Institute of Marine SciencesNODCYes
University of TasmaniaNODCNo


(25 received)

  1. Argentina (ADU CENPAT): We are governed by the OBIS Quality management System.
  2. Australia (ADU CSIRO): the routine data we acquire from our vessels (underway, ctd,a dcp, xbt, multibeam. hydrology) is processed using specific data quality controlled.procedures. Each datatype from a voyage has a published metadata record linking to the data quality and issues report.
  3. Brazil (NODC): Brazilian Navy Hydrographic Center, which operates the Brazilian National Data Center (BNDO – Banco Nacional de Dados Oceanográficos), holds an ISO 9001 Certification since the year 2007. Initially only ht e Cartographyc Production was certified, but today all technical sectors are so. There´s a Quality Management System (with all comprobatory documents) at https://sdq.chm.mb/laravelapp/sdq/public/admin/login  [restricted].
  4. Cyprus (ADU): SeaDataNet QC and management Procedures
  5. Estonia (other): Department has national accreditation for oceanographic measurements and has QMS
  6. Finland (other): FMI has a unit for observations that takes care of the quality control of routine data and then we have Marine Research unit that takes care of the quality control of data that the unit collects. The QMS is under development for some oceanographic data types.
  7. France (NODC): mandatory for the ISO 9001 certification
  8. Germany (NODC): ISO 9001 certificate
  9. Georgia (ADU): TSU is collaborating with S/R Firm “Gamma” Ltd, which has the documented QMS.
  10. Greece (ADU): It is an internal guide used for Data Quality Management
  11. Iran (Islamic Republic of) (Islamic Republic of) (NODC): The INCOD has achieved QMS accreditation in 2017.
  12. Ireland (NODC): The Marine Institute’s data management quality management framework is accredited by IODE, with scientific QMSs accredited by ISO and INAB.
  13. Mozambique (NODC): The system consist of establish a relation within the data, the instruments and metodology used to collect the data. After this process we atrinute the quality flag to the data
  14. Norway (NODC): Internal quality management system
  15. Peru (NODC): It is ISO 9001-2015 certified
  16. Portugal (Other):. The Portuguese Hydrographic Office has multiple Quality management processes (e.g. the Hydrographic data accomplish with S-44 and other International Hydrographic Organization guidelines). Since 2020 we have been developing an Marine Spatial Data Infrastructure and working for build up of a coherent Quality Management System.South Africa (NODC): Raw data and corresponding metadata are archived for long term preservation. Data providers complete metadata sheets for ocean physics and for biological data. An SOP for how to do this exists.
  17. Slovenia (NODC): The majority of the data we provide to the community are quality checked prior to delivery. We are part of the EMODNET/SEADATANET community and use their quality check criteria.
  18. South Africa (NODC): Raw data and corresponding metadata are archived for long term preservation. Data providers complete metadata sheets for ocean physics and for biological data. An SOP for how to do this exists.
  19. Spain (ADU SOCIB): we are working on it
  20. Spain (NODC): Not completed yet. We are in process
  21. Tanzania (NODC):  The University as a whole has documented Quality Assurance systems for conducting its academic activities. These are managed with a Quality Assurance Bureau.
  22. UNITED KINGDOM (NODC): Quality Management Framework is based on the ISO 9001 methodology. At present an internal document. The BODC is accredited by IODE
  24. USA (ADU BCO-DMO): We do have automated validation checks for all of our ISO metadata records contributing to each archive package.
  25. USA (NODC):

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